Does anyone still use Laravel?

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Is Laravel a thing of the past? Are developers moving on to other tools? Or does Laravel still hold its relevance in the present development sphere? These are some of the questions that hover in the digital ecosystem today.

According to a Stack Overflow Developer Survey in 2020, Laravel is reported to be one of the frameworks not commonly used by developers. A similar report from JetBrains Developer Ecosystem in 2021 points out a decrease in the use of Laravel over the past years. Such trends indicate a significant problem – is Laravel falling out of favor among developers? The reasons could be multifold – the arrival of new, more efficient tools, changing developer preferences or perhaps the lack of necessary updates from Laravel. Understanding the cause will help in proposing effective solutions to prevent Laravel from becoming obsolete, if it hasn’t already.

In this article, you will learn about the current status of Laravel in the developer community. We will explore its standing based on different factors including its features, usability, updates, or the lack thereof, and whether or not it is able to keep up with the demands of the dynamic development ecosystem.

Finally, we will delve into expert predictions about Laravel’s future and if it is still worth learning or investing in today. This introspective analysis will serve as a comprehensive guide for both young developers trying to make a career choice and veteran coders trying to stay on top of current trends.

Does anyone still use Laravel?

Definitions and Meaning of Laravel

Laravel is a popular framework used by web developers. A framework is a platform for building software applications. It provides a foundation on which software developers can build programs for a specific platform. It’s a little like a toolkit filled with a fixed set of tools that all work together efficiently.

Still using Laravel? This refers to the query concerning whether Laravel continues being used frequently by developer community. Laravel is known for its elegant syntax and range of features, making it quick and easy to construct complex web applications. The use of Laravel is often dependent on the specific needs of a software project, the skill set of the team, and the evolving landscape of web development technologies. Its usage remains significant among many web developers worldwide.

Surprising Revelations: Laravel’s Unwavering Popularity Amongst Devs

The Popularity of Laravel

Undeniably, the use of Laravel, a robust PHP framework, has strongly persisted in the realm of technology, proving its unfading dominance. While there is an abundance of various programming languages and frameworks, Laravel continues to stand out because of its elegant syntax and broad range of functionality. With Laravel, developers are enabled to build more tasks with less coding effort, which greatly increases their productivity. The rapid development capabilities and flexible approach make Laravel an optimal choice among professionals around the globe.

Besides, Laravel’s extensive ecosystem, complemented by instant hosting and deployment platform, provides enough resources for everyone, from beginners to experienced developers. The framework offers robust tools for accessing relational databases, allowing developers to handle typical web development tasks, such as caching, routing, and authentication, more easily.

Laravel’s Enthralling Features

Even more compelling is Laravel’s array of irresistible features. Laravel provides efficient, expressive, and reusable components that help in handling common tasks such as routing, caching, security, and authentication. Additionally, Laravel facilitates seamless database migrations, making it easier to version control the database schemas, thus ensuring conformity between development machines.

Furthermore, Laravel adheres to the Model-View-Controller design pattern, simplifying the code’s organization and facilitating the application’s maintenance. Also, it has a user-friendly syntax that is enjoyable to use, and most importantly, easy to learn, especially for those accustomed to PHP. Lastly, Laravel is highly secure, offering tools such as SQL statement protection and input protection against common security issues.

  • Elegant Syntax: Laravel’s syntax is designed to be enjoyable to use and read, making the whole process of developing applications a very pleasant experience.
  • Task Configuration and Scheduling: Laravel has a built-in task scheduler that allows for fluent and expressive defining of command scheduling within Laravel itself, without needing a separate cron entry on the server.
  • Database Migrations: The feature of database migrations ensures the reliability and consistency of the database. It’s easy to modify and share the application’s database schema, simplifying the process of managing databases.
  • Security: Laravel offers robust security measure which includes a system that protects against cross-site request forgery (CSRF), cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection.

From its inception to date, Laravel has not only demonstrated its worthiness and value in web development but has also preserved its relevance in the fast-evolving tech ecosystem. Its extensive features, alongside an ever-expanding, passionate community of developers, continue to reinforce its dominant position in today’s tech world. Whether for extensive enterprise applications or simple JSON APIs, Laravel is undeniably a versatile, practical solution for modern predictive programming.

Breaking Down the Myths: Laravel’s Continuity in Tech’s Ever-Evolving Landscape

The Unceasing Demand for Laravel

Could it be that Laravel, despite being around for a while, is still a key player in the web development scene? Certainly! The strength of Laravel lies in its compelling features and robust functionality that’s keeping its popularity going. Since its introduction in 2011, it has become one of the most widely used PHP frameworks by developers across the globe. The distinctive aspect of Laravel is its simplicity; it’s expressive syntax aims to take the pain out of web development by making common tasks easy, like routing, security, and caching. The framework is also applauded for the breadth and quality of its documentation, which means it has a significantly lower learning curve when compared to many of its contemporaries.

Addressing the Underlying Concern

Many in the tech community question the continued value of Laravel when other lightweight frameworks like Node.js and Express.js are available. The question arises – why do developers continue to use Laravel? The answer is two-fold. Firstly, PHP – the language that Laravel is built upon – is widespread and affordable to host, which makes hosting Laravel apps much cheaper than apps built with other languages. Secondly, Laravel’s ecosystem and integration with tools like Queues and Mix make it the go-to choice for building complex applications. The reality is, while Laravel may seem redundant to some, it is these aspects that make Laravel an essential tool in the web development field.

In Evidence: Laravel’s Best Practices

One of the significant proponents for Laravel’s survival strategy is its adherence to best practices. Laravel employs the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture which provides clarity between logic and presentation. This allows for a cleaner, easier-to-read codebase, which in turn speeds up the development process. It also offers a powerful ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) using Eloquent, allowing developers to interact with their database like they would with SQL. Laravel’s built-in functions also help in maintaining the code, making it concise and developer-friendly. Successful applications like, Neighborhood Lender, and MyRank have utilized Laravel’s best practices to their advantage, establishing Laravel’s continued relevance and underscoring its importance in the web development space.

Underrated or Overlooked? The Ongoing Laravel Saga in Today’s Web Development World

Pondering the Existence of Laravel

Is Laravel still relished by developers globally despite rapid advancements and newer languages in the programming arena? To answer this question unequivocally, one must delve into the overall popularity and persistent usage of Laravel. Laravel, since its inception, remains a stable and flexible PHP framework that many developers continue to patronize. Its robust feature set includes MVC support, easy routing, and extensions, making it a solid choice for any web application. Its shot to fame can be attributed mainly due to its elegant syntax aimed at making the development process a joy. Moreover, Laravel comes with its own template engine, named Blade, that simplifies tasks often seen as complex and cumbersome in other frameworks, such as data handling and session management.

Encountering the Roadblocks

However, Laravel, like any other framework, has its own set of challenges that may deter developers. The significant issue revolves around performance. Laravel has long been criticized for being slower compared to some other frameworks, which can lead to slower application load times and a diminished user experience. Another poignant drawback with Laravel is that despite having extensive documentation, the learning curve is quite steep. Beginners in PHP may find it challenging to understand and start using Laravel. The requirement for Composer to manage dependencies could be an additional roadblock for leisure programmers, as they have to learn another tool before they can start using Laravel.

Navigating through Laravel in Modern Times

Still, the persistency in Laravel usage is not without a reason. Successful enterprises that have encapsulated Laravel’s overall potential are a testament to its best practices. Projects like Koel, a personal audio streaming service, and Invoice Ninja, an invoicing platform for freelancers and small businesses, are built on Laravel showcasing the framework’s versatility. Laravel Voyager stands as another example. Serving as an admin for Laravel applications, Laravel Voyager shows how this powerful framework can manage back-end administration with ease. Laravel’s inclination toward read-friendly and scalable code makes it an ideal choice for businesses wanting to optimize their web application development process. Thus, it’s evident that while Laravel faces stiff competition in the ever-evolving tech world, it is far from fading into oblivion. Foreseeing more advancements in Laravel, many developers and companies continue to default to Laravel as their go-to framework for web application development.


As we delve further into our digital age, one might wonder whether Laravel, a PHP web framework, is still finding relevance in the ever-expanding world of coding and web development. Is it possible that advancements in technology have left Laravel behind, or does it continue to hold its ground as a powerful tool for developers?

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It is quite exciting to think about the future and potential new releases that may dramatically change our understanding of web development. Innovation is sure to bring us powerful new tools and technology. However, until then, keep an eye on our posts. As we continue to explore the depth and breadth of technologies like Laravel and many others in our forthcoming articles, we aim to guide you as you embark or continue your journey in the world of coding. The future holds abundant possibilities and we can’t wait to discover and share them with you!


Q1: Is Laravel relevant in today’s web development landscape?

A1: Absolutely, Laravel continues to be a highly relevant tool in the world of web development. Its robust features, versatility, and constant updates ensure that it is popular among developers.

Q2: Why do developers choose to use Laravel?

A2: Developers often choose Laravel due to its expressive, elegant syntax which aims to make the development process more enjoyable without sacrificing application functionality. Also, the availability of comprehensive documentation and a supportive community make Laravel a popular choice.

Q3: Are there any major companies that uses Laravel?

A3: Yes, many significant brands such as BBC, Pfizer, and 9GAG use Laravel in their tech stack. The framework’s ability to handle complex web applications securely and at scale makes it appealing to such enterprises.

Q4: How often is Laravel updated?

A4: Laravel has a consistent update schedule, with new versions typically released every six months. This ensures that the framework remains contemporary, secure, and in step with cutting-edge development practices.

Q5: Is Laravel suitable for beginners?

A5: Definitely, Laravel is quite suitable for beginners due to its clear, concise and well-documented syntax. Additionally, Laravel’s active community offers a wealth of resources to help new users get started with the framework.