Should I switch to Laravel from Django in 2020?

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Is Laravel the right framework for your programming needs? Should you consider moving away from Django in 2020? Or are you simply curious about the comparisons between these two popular web framework technologies? The tech world is always evolving, making these all valid questions for developers to ponder upon.

The main predicament faced by developers is choosing the right framework that best suits their coding needs. According to a survey by JetBrains, Laravel ranks as the second most used PHP framework while Django holds a significant share in the Python community. Dilemma arises when developers observe that Laravel provides a more straightforward and expressive syntax compared with Django, as stated in an article published on Stack Overflow. Conversely, Django is recognized for its “batteries-included” philosophy, which provides a wide range of functionalities out of the box, as mentioned on the Mozilla Developer Network. The proposal to switch from Django to Laravel in 2020 warrants consideration given these differing strengths of the frameworks.

In this article, You will learn about these predominant web frameworks in a comparative analysis. We will explore the unique features, pros, and cons of both Laravel and Django and delve into the aspects that might make Laravel your preferred choice. The article will consider the reasons that might incite a switch, hence aiding in the decision-making process.

Understanding the nuances of both Laravel and Django enables you to make an informed choice about the technology best suited to your programming ambitions. As the world of development continues to progress rapidly, staying updated about these changes ensures that you have the necessary tools to succeed in this dynamic and challenging field.

Definitions and Meanings Behind the Topic

Laravel and Django are popular web development frameworks. Both of them serve the same purpose of making it easier for developers to build and maintain applications on the web.

Laravel is a PHP framework known for elegant syntax and a rich set of functionalities. It’s widely used for developing web applications due to its ease of use and mature ecosystem.

On the other hand, Django is a Python framework known for its ‘batteries-included’ philosophy meaning many features are included out of the box. It’s highly praised for its efficiency and security.

The suggestion ‘changing from Django to Laravel in 2020’ implies understanding the pace of technological change and the need to stay updated in the fast-evolving field of web development. It’s all about choosing the right tool for specific needs.

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Django vs Laravel: Essential Differences

Among the various frameworks available to developers, Django and Laravel have both proven to be formidable and efficient frameworks. While Django, a Python-based framework, tends to attract coders who prefer simplicity and a less is more approach, Laravel, a PHP framework, offers a creative and syntactically beautiful programming experience. While both have their strong suits, recent trends indicate a greater shift towards Laravel in 2020.

Django’s convention-over-configuration design has allowed developers to adhere to the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle. The framework has built-in tools for tasks like admin interface building and database schema migration, which enable you to start coding without setting up and configuring your environment. Laravel, on the other hand, boasts a beautifully expressive syntax and a strong focus on developer happiness. It provides a clean, simple API over the SwiftMailer with drivers for Mailgun, SMTP, Amazon SES, and others allowing for rapid mail sending.

The Shift Toward Laravel

In 2020, more developers seem to prefer Laravel over Django, for a couple of reasons. Laravel offers a smooth learning curve and it can comfortably handle larger applications. Moreover, the Laravel community has worked towards developing a comprehensive ecosystem around the framework. This ecosystem enriches Laravel with various packages that allow for easy integration with third-party services.

  • Performance and scalability: Laravel performs impressively when it comes to delivering heavy tasks with minimal fuss. Django, though it also delivers good performance, may falter slightly when handling a large scale application.
  • Database support: While Django supports some of the prominent databases like MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL, Laravel supports a wider range of databases.
  • Interface: Laravel prides itself on its beautiful query API and easy-to-use Artisan command-line tool, thus scoring higher than Django in terms of developer experience.

The Laravel ecosystem also allows developers to take advantage of services like Forge and Envoyer which provide smooth server and deployment system management. Laravel Vapor, a serverless deployment platform for Laravel, is designed to offer auto-scaling capabilities with zero server maintenance. Thus, the rich ecosystem is a big reason why developers are gradually shifting towards Laravel.

While there is a significant shift to Laravel, it’s important to note that both Laravel and Django come with their own set of pros and cons. It essentially boils down to the agenda of the project and the preference of the developer when choosing between these two frameworks.

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Is It Worth To Take The Leap?

Taking the plunge of migrating from one framework to another is perplexing, isn’t it? Technology dynamics are so volatile that we often find ourselves in the conundrum of selecting the right platform. That being said, deciding between Laravel and Django is no different. The underlying idea is to seek a framework that aids in building robust applications while ensuring faster time-to-market. Laravel, being an open-source PHP framework, offers clean architecture, intuitive syntax, and a dedicated dependency management system. On the other hand, Django, a high-level Python web framework, specializes in delivering complex, data-driven websites. Both have their unique capabilities and distinct target audience. However, Laravel has been gaining substantial traction recently due to its agile development methodology, easy testing, and superior security mechanisms.

The Transition Conundrum

Reversing a framework decision is never a straightforward step, especially when contemplating between Django and Laravel. The primary issue strikes when businesses struggle to keep up with the scalability and flexibility offered by Django. As per the recent trends in 2020, an increasing number of organizations consider Laravel due to its expressive syntax, MVC support and superior database migration. Laravel renders the advantage of generating new tools utilizing an IoC container. In contrast, Django lacks a bit in terms of an expressive and elegant syntax that Laravel fluently offers, hindering the ease of use and development speed. The migration from Django to Laravel, therefore, becomes a significant decision looming on the developers that require addressing.

Leveraging Laravel Best Practices

With an epiphany about the potential challenges, let’s now delve into some exemplary Laravel use cases to reinforce its benefits. Laravel steers with its lightweight blade templating engine, allowing pre-processing of the code to recognizable PHP, resulting in optimized execution speed. For instance, a global eCommerce platform, after migrating from Django to Laravel, successfully optimized their application’s response time by 35%, enhancing the customer journey. Furthermore, another B2B tech enterprise was fruitfully able to automate their marketing channels using Laravel’s queue service, which was laborious with Django. Laravel’s microservices architecture and easy integration with mail services prefer it over Django.

Indeed, framework migration demands diligent consideration, however the benefits Laravel offers in terms of development efficiency, performance optimization and testing convenience make it worth considering. Each use-case scenario or business requirement may demand a different approach, yet by far, Laravel has proven to be quite promising, leaving behind Django in certain aspects, especially in the year 2020.

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Is It Time to Transition to Laravel?

Have you ever considered the potential that Laravel holds for your next project? Primarily, Laravel and Django both are quite powerful and reliable frameworks. However, Laravel is rapidly gaining popularity in 2020 and is considered to be one of the leading PHP frameworks, primarily because it offers a clean and elegant syntax that is easy to learn and work with. Laravel significantly reduces the complexity of common web development tasks through its easy-to-use, tailored solutions, thus enabling the development of high-quality apps with robust features.

The Issue with Sticking with Django

The problem at the centre of this discussion is not about Django’s efficiency – Django is known for its robustness and full-stack offerings – but about taking full advantage of the growing PHP community, the versatility of Laravel, and the constantly evolving Laravel ecosystem that has increasingly become a deal-breaker for developers across the globe. Laravel offers what Django doesn’t – simple, readable, and beautiful code that’s highly expressive. It even includes prepackaged tools and extensive libraries that bring more convenience, reduced development time, and improved app performance. Django, despite being a fantastic full-stack framework, may sometimes feel heavy for simple web applications and here is where Laravel wins the game for its light-weight nature.

Leveraging Laravel: The Powerful Options

Companies leading in their industries such as Pfizer, 9GAG, and Tourism Australia to mention a few, have turned to Laravel for their development needs in 2020. Laravel provides the scalability necessary to meet the demands of these top-tier companies. The Laravel ecosystem is continuously growing with tools like Laravel Nova, Laravel Horizon, and Laravel Echo, amongst others, facilitating efficient and professional development practices. Laravel Nova, for instance, is an enriching admin panel for Laravel, saving considerable time for developers. Other smart additions like Laravel Forge automates the deployment of Laravel applications, freeing batches of valuable time for developers. Then there’s Laravel Echo that brings in real-time information to your applications. Moreover, Laravel also offers excellent support for cloud storage, robust security features that are simple to implement, unit testing that helps in preventing regressions in the framework, MVC support for better performance and clear documentation. Thus, the seamless amenities that Laravel offers have made Laravel a go-to solution in 2020.


Does your current web framework fulfill all your development needs? Pondering over whether to switch from Django to Laravel in 2020 is a tricky question, and the answer ultimately depends on several factors. Both are top-tier open-source frameworks that have their own areas of strength. If you’re primarily dealing with a small, simple project, Django’s simplicity and straightforwardness might be preferable. For larger, more complex projects, Laravel’s built-in tools for tasks could be more advantageous. Notably, the quality of your platform should largely depend on the proficiency of the developer rather than the chosen framework.

We hope that this article has provided some insights to help you make the crucial decision. There’s always more to learn, though, and we challenge you to follow our blog for timely insights into the evolving world of development. We constantly review the newest developments, strategies, and best practices in the industry. Whether you’re an experienced developer or just getting started, our blog generates value that can help elevate your projects to a new level of quality and competence.

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1. What are the key differences between Laravel and Django?

The key differences between Laravel and Django lie largely in the programming language and community support. Laravel is based on PHP, which is widely used for web development, while Django uses Python, which is renowned for its simplicity and readability.

2. Are PHP (Laravel) and Python (Django) similar in terms of syntax and simplicity?

No, PHP and Python are quite different in terms of syntax. Python (Django) is often considered easier to read and write, especially for beginners, while PHP (Laravel) might include some more complex syntax, but offers more flexibility.

3. Will moving from Django to Laravel have any impact on the performance of my applications?

Yes, migrating from Django to Laravel may have an impact on application performance, but it will largely depend on how your applications are structured and your server’s specifications. Laravel can be faster for certain tasks but Django also has its own performance advantages.

4. What about the support and community for Laravel and Django? Which has a more active community?

Both Laravel and Django have strong, active communities. Laravel’s community is growing rapidly and is particularly appreciated for its extensive packages and resources, while Django’s community is known for its emphasis on best practices and high-quality documentation.

5. Is it hard to switch from Django to Laravel?

The difficulty level of transitioning from Django to Laravel depends largely on your familiarity with PHP. If you are already conversant with PHP, the switch may not be so difficult but if not, you might face a learning curve.